Can you believe it? Our Spring Sale will be at Stormwater Studios in a few short months - from May 1st - 3rd!
Whether it'll be your first time participating in an MCAS sale, or your umpteenth time, if you're considering how you can become more involved in making MCAS sales a success for all artists, participating in the Sale Committee is a great way to learn more and help grow member capacity! Consider joining our Spring Sale manager, Tennyson Corley, for an interest meeting Tuesday, January 28th at 6:30PM at the Columbia Art Center, 1227 Taylor, where we hold our regular member meetings. Can't make it, but want to learn more? Get in touch with Tennyson by replying to our social post or sending us an email.
In the meantime, you can also learn more about the sale committee roles by scrolling through these images - and know there's an opportunity to assist, too, without being the lead - which can be a great way to learn the ropes while trying out something new.